Ahojte lidi, (Hi folks,)
v nedeli z puvodne planovane tiche akce dvou lidi ke stavbe zakladu dalsi chatky na naradi stala spontanne zalezitost masovejsi coz je super, udelali jsme vic nez jsme planovali.
(on Sunday from the originally intended silent actions of two people to build the foundation of another tool shelter became more massive affair spontaneously, that's cool, we did more than we expected.)
Tady jsou fotky s pribehem:
(Here are the pictures with story:)
Kopani zakladovych otvoru (Digging of foundation holes)
Prinesli jsme rozlozenou chatku, ale nektere dily chybely, ne ze bychom je zapomeli, proste tam nebyly. Kluci zacali premyslet co s tim...(We transported disassembled shelter, but some parts were missing. It wasn't the case of forgetting them, they were simply gone. Guys started thinking how to improvise the situation...)
Mezitim co kluci premysleli jak to udelat s chatkou, jini zalozili experimentalni bylinkovy mini zahonek v rohu zahrady a pripravili experimentalni podestilku pro zampiony.
(Whilst guys had been thinking about workarounding missing parts of shelter, others established aromatic herbs mini place in the corner of the garden and prepared experimental bedding for champignons.)

Kluci to rozlouskli a pustili se do prace
(Guys figured out the puzzle and started working)

Po pripravach a upravach jsme zacali podvecer vztycovat hrubou stavbu
(After preparations and improvements we finally started "growing" rough shelter skeleton in late afternoon)

Pak jsme stavbu vyrovnali a zakonzervovali
(Then we balanced and stabilized the skeleton)

A to bylo pro nedeli vse, prace hotova.
(And that's it & all for Sunday, job done.)

Navazujici prace na boude bude postaveni zdi a polozeni strechy. Kluci spocitaji a vytvori navrhy na materialy a zpusob montaze zdi. Mate-li nekdo napady a moznosti sehnat vhodny material (prkna, osb desky, ...) v rozumne cene a kvalite ozvete se prosim do fora kom-pot@googlegroups.com prosim.
(Next stage of works on shed will be construction of walls and laying the roof. Guys count and make a proposal for the materials and methods of assembling the wall. If you have someone of ideas and options to find suitable material [wooden boards, OSB desks, ...] in reasonable price and quality let us know through the forum kom-pot@googlegroups.com please.)
Predbezme jsme domluveni pokracovat dalsi sobotu v 10:00 a jeste to potvrdime rozeslanim pozvanky na akci behem tydne.
(So far we have agreed to continue next Saturday at 10:00 but we will confirm this sending invitation card publicly during the week.)
Více obrázku zde: https://picasaweb.google.com/ObrazkyKomPot/StavbaBoudyI16Unor2014, http://picasaweb.google.com/ObrazkyKomPot
(More pictures here:)
Přidej se k nám:-)
Komunitní zahrada Kom Pot (komunitní potraviny)
Kontakt: 603 545 697 (Míla Kettnerová),739 529 012 (Rastislav Boštík)